What is the Rat Race? Urban Dictionary describes it as “a frustrating, hard-to-break financial lifestyle. It is a lifestyle that is lived by countless people, oblivious to the very nature of it to a degree that even when called upon, vehemently deny it.” Wikipedia describes it as “an endless, self-defeating, or pointless pursuit. The phrase equates humans to rats attempting to earn a reward such as cheese, to no avail. It may also refer to a competitive struggle to get ahead financially or routinely. The term is commonly associated with an exhausting, repetitive lifestyle that leaves no time for relaxation or enjoyment.” I can personally relate to those descriptions of the Rat Race. I have lived it most of my life.
I was thinking about work, mainly working for someone else. It’s simple, as a private sector employee you are paid an hourly, or salaried wage and from there, the profits go to the top. We are literally working to make profits for someone else. It’s interesting that the gap between wages and profits are ever widening, while our opportunities for retirement are diminishing. It’s also interesting that we have no savings and are essentially trapped. We acquire debt that is not related to investment and work our entire lives to pay those debts. We are pretty much slaves to this system unless we find a way out through participation. Real Estate Investment can be a way to break this cycle.
Everyone can participate in making money, which is one of the great things about Capitalism. We are only trapped if we make no effort to escape. We are all sharing in the Human Experience in an ever-changing world. Part of the experience is to know yourself and your abilities. If you want to escape the rat race in retirement, it’s your choice all you need to do is take action. Real Estate can generate a steady stream of cash flow in your retirement. I will share my stories with you through this Blog and will be offering my expertise from first hand experience.
I sincerely wish you the best of luck in your impending retirement, whatever age you decide to take it.